Domain Setup

Domain Requirements

When setting up your School with Progetta LEARN, you can choose to use your own domain for your school. This is great for branding and marketing purposes.  Progetta LEARN has one requirement when selecting a domain name for use with your school, specifically:

You must choose a Sub-Domain to use with your domain of choice.  For example, if your organizations domain name is, you would need to choose a subdomain such as

The reason for this is due to the technical limitations we have with the Progetta LEARN software.  However, if for marketing or other reasons you still need to use your main domain name, we do have a workaround for you: 

Create a subdomain for use with Progetta LEARN, Eg.
Create a redirect record in your DNS to redirect your main domain to your newly created subdomain:
Create a CNAME* record in your DNS for 


Here are some examples from our other Customers that may help you in your domain selection process:


Setting up a CNAME Records

As part of the implementation process, you will be given details on setting up a CNAME record in your DNS.  The Progetta LEARN Implementation Team will communicate the specific details of this to you during implementation.  The CNAME record will look something like this:

DNS Record Type: CNAME >
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