API Documentation


All of the APIs are organized around REST - if you've interacted with a RESTful API already, many of the concepts will be familiar to you. We use many standard HTTP features, like HTTP verbs, which can be understood by many HTTP clients. JSON will be returned in all responses from the API, including errors. The APIs are designed to have predictable, straightforward URLs and to use HTTP response codes to indicate API errors.

View API Documentation

You can access and download our full API documentation here: 

Obtaining an API Key

To use the API, you will need to have an account on Progetta LEARN with both the API Access permission and the permissions associated with the area in which you are using the API.  For example, if you are planning on updating Classes, you will need the Class permissions for the level of access your needing.  If you're just viewing information, then you need the View permission.  If you need to create or edit Classes, you will need the Edit permission and so on.

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