Release 0.36.0

Release Date

  • October 2nd, 2020 (v0.36.0)


  1. Staff Updates
  2. Student Updates
  3. Bug Fixes
  4. Discontinued Features
Staff Updates

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My Grading Summary Update

The My Grading Summary page has been simplified. Filtering the list by homework status now only shows you assignments that match the chosen status. Some columns have been removed to allow for easier data representation. Additionally, you can now filter by Cohort, Class, Student Status and Student Tags. Learn More Here

Create Reoccurring Class Times for a Date Range

When scheduling a class meeting time, you can now choose to create a reoccurring time slot for certain days of the week within a date range. 

Create Reoccurring Interview Times for a Date Range

Now when adding time slots to your Interview Schedule, you can create time slots for certain days of the week within a date range.

Search Student via Email / Student ID

The ability to search a student via email or Student ID has been greatly improved by searching more precisely when entering a Student ID Number or an ...@... value.

Mass Messaging 

Mass Messages will now always send as an email and post as an announcement on the student dashboard. (Choosing "Send as Email" or "Post as Announcement" has been discontinued.)

Edit Student Middle Name

Staff users can now edit a Student's middle name. Follow these steps: Student Menu --> Information --> Edit. 

Student Updates

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A Discussion is a new type of Lesson Step. In a Discussion Step, students can initiate conversation and respond to other's comments around the content of the lesson. Students are notified of activity on discussion threads they initiated, and on threads they have commented on. Contribution is required from a student before they move on to the next lesson step. 


Students now have a notification icon at the top of their dashboard to indicate new comments on discussions they are a part of, private messages, and school announcements.

Class Progress

From the "My Classes" page, a student can now see a summary of their progress with Lessons, Assignments, and any absences they have for a class.

Bug Fixes

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Discontinued Features

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