Release 0.38.0
Release Date
- November 2, 2020 (v0.38.0)
Grading Summery Page
A new page has been added under the Staff Menu: School Admin: Grading Summary. This page functions like the "My Grading Summary" page, but is not specific to the logged in user. Unlike the "My Grading Summary" page, you DO NOT need be an instructor of a class in order for assignments to show up on this page.
My Discussions / Discussions Page
Two new pages have been added to give staff users visibility of Discussion Lesson Steps. Found under the Staff Menu: My Account, the My Discussions page will show the logged in users any Discussions that are built in classes they are an instructor of, and can be filtered by Cohort and Class. Under Staff Menu: School Admin, the Discussions page will show the ALL of the Discussions that exist and can be filtered by Cohort, Class, and Instructor.
Users need the the following permissions in order to see the My Discussions and Discussions page:
Sent Emails Page
Two new pages have been added to give visibility on all emails going out from your system. From the Staff Menu: School Admin: Sent Emails (for all emails), and Student Menu: Information: Sent Emails (for a specific Student), you can view all sent emails, and filter them by the date range.
Users need the the following permissions in order to see the Sent Email Pages:
Class Attendance - Optional Configuration
Class attendance can now be configured as Required or Optional. It is important to note that this configuration applies to a Class as a whole (ALL meeting times for a Class), NOT specific meeting times for Class. All Classes default to Required Attendance. To change this, while setting up a New Class, or on the Class Card, click the 'Settings' Icon, then find 'Attendance Configuration', and set to Optional. Optional attendance will record Attended and Tardy records, but not Absences.
My Grading Summary Update
When filtering the page by Cohort then Class, Classes are now immediately refreshed to only show Classes that are within the selected Cohort. This prevents you from accidentally selecting a class that does not exist in the Cohort you filter by and rendering "0 results."
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Graded Quiz Update
They styling of graded quizzes has been updated to more clearly indicate incorrect answer that the student chooses.
Student Finance Page - Sort by Posted Date
Sorting arrows were not working. This bug has been fixed.