Release 0.48.0

Release Date

  • December 5, 2020 (v0.48.0)


  1. Staff Updates
  2. Student Updates
  3. Bug Fixes
  4. Discontinued Features
Staff Updates

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Student Updates

Apply for Next Program

Students can now apply to the next open Cohort of the a Program from their dashboard. (Example: Students in a 1st Year Cohort can now apply for 2nd Year Cohorts) This is configured by linking School Programs. Additionally, you can toggle between dashboards for each cohort they have applied to. Learn how HERE!

Cancelled / Failed / Withdrawn Class Assignments

Incomplete Assignments for a class that a student has been Cancelled, Failed, or been Withdrawn from no longer display to that student. 

Quiz Retakes

Now, when reassigning a quiz to a student, the quiz is completely reset so that students can retake it without seeing their previous answers.

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Bug Fixes

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Discontinued Features

System Statuses

Student, Homework, and Course Registration statuses have been changed to a Progetta Only feature. You may submit a support request if you are wanting to add/edit more Student Statuses. Homework and Course Registration statuses are set by the Progetta Development team and will not be customizable. 

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