Release 0.60.2 - Pass/Fail Grading Updates

Release Date

Pass/Fail Grading Update

  • April 23rd, 2021 


  1. Staff Updates
  2. Student Updates
  3. Bug Fixes
  4. Discontinued Features
Staff Updates

Automatic Grading for Pass/Fail Classes

For pass/fail classes, the system will now automatically mark a class Complete when a student has completed all coursework for the class and the class end date is in the past. If a student has incomplete coursework after the end date of the class, the system will not mark the class Complete for the student. 

Incomplete Class Alerts

When the end date of a class is in the past and a student has incomplete coursework, the system will display a red exclamation icon in two places:

  1. Class Dashboard in the Links box next to Students:
  2. Class Student List next to the Enrolled section heading:

Hovering over the red exclamation icon displays a help message explaining that some students have incomplete work and the class has ended.

Class Creation

When creating a new class, additional help text has been added to better explain the differences between Graded and Pass/Fail classes.

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Student Updates

Automatic Grading for Pass/Fail Quizzes

The system will now require a student to get all of the questions correct on a pass/fail quiz before completing the quiz. If a student answers a question incorrectly, they will be prompted to correct their answer in order to continue. Once all of the quiz answers are correct, the student will be allowed to complete the assignment and will be automatically given a grade of Pass.

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Bug Fixes

Previous Button on Fill In Assignments

When a student clicked Save Progress on a Fill In Assignment page, and then clicking the Previous button, the system was triggering a validation error. Students can now save progress and hit previous without an error.

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Discontinued Features

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