Release 0.87.0

Release Date

  • April 7, 2022  (v0.87.0)


  1. Staff Updates
  2. Student Updates
  3. Bug Fixes
  4. Discontinued Features
Staff Updates

Attendance Report

The Attendance Report page gives extensive reporting functionality to show attendance records for all students in a given week. This report can also be exported as a CSV file.

Bulk Enroll Students Across Cohorts

Up until now, staff users could only bulk enroll students in a class for students in one cohort / school year at a time. Now, if the student list includes several school years / cohorts that have shared classes between them, staff users can enroll all of the students in the class at once.

Manual Attendance Page Filter

Staff users can now filter the Manual Attendance Page to easily find specific students.

Class Student List: Bulk Action Change Enrollment Status

From the Class Student List, staff users can perform bulk actions to change all student enrollment statuses. For example, a staff user can change all student enrollment statues to Complete or Withdrawn.

Student List: Balance Due Filter

Staff users can now filter the student list based off of the balance a student owes. Find the balance due field in the filter on the main student list.

Payment Report Download Improvements

Transaction types are now included in the CSV file downloading payment reports (including voids, discounts, and credit memo's)


Student Updates


Bug Fixes

30 Minute Schedule Items

This improvement addresses a display issue for scheduled class times that are 30 minutes or less.


Discontinued Features


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