Release 0.98.0

Release Date

  • January 13, 2023 (v0.98.0)


  1. Staff Updates
  2. Student Updates
  3. Bug Fixes
  4. Discontinued Features
Staff Updates

Tuition Agreement Step (Vocational)

We are thrilled to be bringing the Tuition Agreement Step to our vocational schools! This admissions step applies a fee, payment plan, and optional discount to students and can enroll students in autopay (Stripe Integration required) automatically. Using this step takes the manual work out of individually applying payment plans and discounts to every student! To learn more about how to use the Tuition Agreement Step, view our documentation here

Parent Fee Step (K-12)

Introducing the Parent Fee Step! This new feature allows staff users to create a fee step per family instead of per student, in an effort to reduce the number of individual payments a family with multiple children are required to complete in the admissions process. A common use for this feature would be to collect one application fee per family, instead of charging the family a separate application fee per child they enroll. In this fee step, you can select if you would like the fee amount to be calculated as once per family or to multiply the fee times the number of students being enrolled. 

Employment Information Optional (K-12)

We've made the employment information on the family profile step configurable, so schools can decide if they would like it to be required or optional for parents to enter their employment information when enrolling. Please contact Align support if you would like to make this field optional for parents. 

Simplified Automations List in Admissions Process

When viewing an admissions process, we've simplified the list of automation names associated with steps in the process to now show the number of automations associated with that step. This will keep the page from becoming too lengthy if there are many automations being triggered on one step of the process. Staff users can click on the number of automations associated with the step and a pop-up window will appear listing the name of each automation. Clicking the automation name in the pop-up window will take the staff user to the automation. 


Student Updates

Fee Balance on Class Sign Up (Vocational)

We've updated the financial information students see on the Class Sign Up page when they have already made a payment towards class fees and then decide to go back to exchange classes or add additional classes. Previously, the student would see the new total cost for class fees and the payment schedule, without taking into account the payments they had already made. Now, students will see their new total cost for class fees, any discounts that have been applied, their payment schedule, the amount they have already paid, and their remaining balance. 

Add Parent / Guardian (K-12)

We've updated the text in multiple places on the Family Profile Step and on the Add Parent page to change the term from "parent" to "parent / guardian".


Bug Fixes

Payment Error on Saved Credit Cards

This bug fix addressed an issue for schools using Stripe as their payment gateway where students could not complete payments with their saved credit cards. 

Section Spacing on Class Dashboard

This fix addressed spacing issues between the Lesson, Assignment, and Schedule sections on the Class Dashboard. 


Discontinued Features


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