Release 1.04.0

Release Date

  • April 10, 2023 (v1.04.0)


  1. Staff Updates
  2. Student Updates
  3. Bug Fixes
  4. Discontinued Features
Staff Updates

Maximum Students Per Cohort

Staff users can now configure the maximum number of students that can apply for a cohort before being automatically put on the waitlist. This feature appears on the cohort's configuration page. The max number is determined by how many students can have incoming and active status types (Applicant, Waitlist, Accepted, Student). Any students who apply for the cohort after it has reached its max number will automatically have the incoming status of Waitlist. If you'd like to use this feature but do not have Waitlist as a student status option, please contact Align support.

Manual Refunds

Payments can now manually be marked as refunded in Align without actually refunding them through your payment processor. This new feature allows staff users to accurately reflect the finances of a student if their payment initially appeared successful, but was later declined or expired by the payment processor. This feature can also be used if a credit card payment was refunded by the school in a different format (cash or check). To manually refund a payment, you will navigate to the student's My Finances page, expand the student's fee details, and click on the receipt for the payment you'd like to manually refund. On the reciept you'll click the Refund button on the top right, then select the manual refund type from the dropdown, confirm that you understand the payment will not be issued by the payment processor, enter the amount to be marked as refunded and a note explaining the refund, and click save.

Remove Saved Cards on Accounts

Staff users can now remove saved credit cards from student accounts. To do so, you will navigate to the student's My Finances page and toggle to their Billing Details page. Any saved cards that the student has on file will appear, and you can click the trash can button on the right to delete that saved card information. If the student only has their default card on file and is actively enrolled in autopay, the staff user must first disable autopay for the student's payment plan before they will be allowed to delete the default saved card on file.

Parent Automation to Trigger Action on Student Account Based on Parent Admissions Step (K-12)

Parent automations can now be configured with the trigger being the parent landing on a certain admissions step, and the action being an update to all the children's accounts in that family. By using this type of automation, staff users can change the status or status type for all children in the family or enroll all children in the family in a class or a shared class.

Show Columns on Parent Page (K-12)

Staff users can now use the "Show Columns" field to filter their view of the Parent Page. This will make it easier to only view the parent information that is relevant to the staff user in that moment.


Student Updates

Updated Payment Plan Logic

We've updated our payment plan logic to show all future installments of a payment plan to students on the Tuition Agreement step as long as their start date for school is the same as the start date for their cohort. Previously, only installments that occurred on or after the start date for their cohort would appear to students as part of their fee total and their payment plan installments. For students with a start date after the start date of their cohort, only the installments occurring after the student's start date will appear appear in the payment plan.

Note: For vocational schools, the student start date is automatically the start day of their cohort. For K-12 schools, the student start date defaults to the start day of their cohort unless additional start date options are configured on the Add Children step.


Bug Fixes


Discontinued Features


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