Classes: Grading


There are two types of Grading in Align:  Homework Grading and Class Grading. An Instructor can grade homework at any time, but usually after the assignment due date has passed. A Class can have many assignments and each assignment can be given points. The assignments and points all go towards making up the Final Grade which is given for the Class as a whole.

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Homework Grading

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Menu Location

STAFF ☰  My Account  >  My Classes  >   Assignments  >   Grade


  1. Homework Grading
  2. Grading Options, Letter or Pass/Fail
  3. Final Grade Calculation
  4. Class Status change upon Final Grading

Class Grading

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Final Grading Menu Location

STAFF ☰  My Account  >  My Classes  >   Students  >   Final Grade

In this Section

  • Final Grade Calculation
  • Final Grade Walkthrough

Final Grade Calculation

To aid Instructors in the grading process, an auto-calculated final grade is provided when finalizing grading for a Class. This calculated grade is determined by averaging the weighted grades for homework that has already been graded. The calculated grade is rounded using Normal Rounding so 0.49 rounds down, and 0.5 rounds up.

Final Grade Walkthrough

  • How to give a Final grade for a Class
  • Class Status Changes when saving the final grade

Final Grade

When the final grade is given, the course changes the status of the course to the next Completed status of the course as defined in the Course Registration Status configuration page in the system.  For example:

Implementation Grading Options

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During Implementation, you can configure grades as needed by your school and can:

  • Include or exclude any of the options of A, B, C, D, F, or either of the Pass, Fail options.
  • Set the percentage range for each letter grade, and whether it results in a pass or fail.  For example:
    • A: 90 - 100, Pass
    • B, 80 - 89, Pass
    • C, 60 - 79, Pass
    • D, 50 - 59, Pass
    • F, 0 - 49, Fail


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  • Grade: This is the average grade that a student has attained based on currently graded work to date.
  • Grade: This is the Letter Grade that a student is currently receiving in a class based on currently graded work. 
  • Final Grade: The percentage our of 100 that the student has achieved for this particular course.
  • Final Letter Grade: This is the letter, A, B, C, D, F that is assigned to the student.  This will be assigned based on the policies as defined by the school.

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