

Automations allow a system administrator to perform actions automatically based upon a preset configured set of rules or triggers. Automations create efficiency and student trust in your school processes by automatically allowing the system to complete process-related tasks.

Menu Location

STAFF  ☰  >   Advanced  >   Admissions  >   Automations


Creating an Automation

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How to Create

  1. Enter the name you would like to give the automation.  You also have the option to add an Automation Tag that will help you to categorize and sort your automations as you grow so that you can keep track of themes in the system, for example, Admissions or Finances.
  2. Assign the automation to a Cohort/School Year. By leaving the Cohorts/School Years field blank, your automation will apply to ALL Cohorts/School Years.
  3. Add a source and event. This is what action needs to happen in order to initiate the automation.
  4. Add an action. This is what you want the automation to accomplish.
  5. Save the automation.

Video Walkthrough

  1. Creating an Automation
  2. Disabling an Automation
  3. Adding a Rule (Trigger) to an Automation
  4. Adding an Action to an Automation (email in this example)


- Have the automation apply a deposit and tuition fee to a student once their Student Status is changed to "Accepted."

- Have the automation tag a student when they reach the Application Review admission step.

Automation Conditions

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The following conditions are currently available in the system to trigger an automation to run.

  • Student Tag
  • Admission Step (Choose One / Step Name)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Student Status

Automation Actions

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  • Send Message (to students) 
  • Email Staff Team: This action sends an email to ALL staff users who belong to a selected team. (Teams are set up in the Staff Teams page.)
  • Email Staff: This action allows you to type in the email address(es) of any staff users who you want to send an email to.
  • Update a Hubspot Deal Stage: Available for Customers using the Hubspot Integration
  • Add / Remove a Tag
  • Create Fee
  • Change Status Type
  • Change Status
  • Change Enrollment Status
  • Enroll in Class
  • Enroll in Shared Class
  • Sent Text Message (Twilio account required)

Automation Settings

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Disabling an Automation

Disabling an automation will prevent the automation from running again in the future.  You can re-enable the automation again at any time.

Run Once

Selecting this option will make sure the automation only runs once for each student. If the conditions get matched again in the future, then this option ensures the automation action will not run again. This is useful for many automations, especially when automatically creating fees.


Automations by default run as soon as the event trigger is true. By adding a delay to an automation, the action of that automation will only happen once the event trigger has consistently been true for the determined number of hours. This is useful to send automated reminder emails to the applicant or staff if an applicant has been stuck on an admissions step for a certain amount of time.

Automation List & Run History

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Automation Verifications

Each time an automation runs, an action count is created. A log of the actions can be viewed by clicking the number in the Action Count column. This list can be sorted by Status and Time Stamp to help you find details about a specific action.

Organizing Automations

When creating an automation, you have the option to create an Automation Tag.  Automation Tags allow staff members to group similar types of automations and utilize these in Saved Views for easy access.

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