Student List


Welcome!  Start here and watch the video below showing the core features of the Student List.  If you want further information, tricks and tips, scroll down for more content related to the Student List!


  1. Results Count
  2. Pagination
  3. Bulk Actions
  4. Multi-Select
  5. Saved Views
  6. Filters
  7. Reset View
  8. Column Chooser
  9. Sorting Results
  10. Download
  11. Viewing Admissions Steps
  12. Technical Documentation

Student List Core Features Walkthrough

Saved Views

  • Create a Saved View
  • Delete a Saved View
  • Switch between Saved Views
  • Use a Saved View in Messages


  1. What gets downloaded
  2. How to download

Viewing Admissions Steps

Back to TOP

Student applications are accessed from the Student List. Navigate to the Student list by clicking the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines) at the top left of the screen, then click on School > Students. Once viewing the student list, we can see which school period a student is applying for, which step in the admissions process they are on currently, when they started that step, and when they started the application process. We can also view each student's Admissions Overview page to read questionnaire answers and make admissions decisions.

View Only the Applicants

Filtering the Student List to only show students who are current applicants makes reviewing applications much easier. To only show Applicants, add the Applicant Status filter:

  1. Open Filter Menu - Click the green filter icon at the top right of the screen.
  2. Add Filters - Click in the Status field and select Applicant from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click Search - Now the Student List only shows students who are Applicants.

Application School Period, Steps and Times

Information about a student's application process can be found in the following columns in the student list:

  • School Period - The school period in which a student is enrolled
  • Admission Step - Shows the step of the admissions process that an applicant is currently on
  • Admission Step Start - The date when the current Admission Step was started
  • Admission Started At - The date and time that the admissions application was started

The Admissions Steps Page

Each applicant has their own Admissions Steps page which is accessed by clicking on their name in the Student List. When a Student's name is clicked, their individual Admissions Steps page opens. On this page you can:

  • See which step of the admissions process a student is currently on and when they started that step
  • Read/view student responses to each step
  • Make an admissions decision after reviewing their application

Related Content

Featured in Video

  1. Results Count
  2. Pagination
  3. Bulk Actions
  4. Multi-Select
  5. Saved Views
  6. Filters
  7. Column Chooser
  8. Sorting Results

Technical Documentation


The Student List contains a wealth of information about your school’s students as well as tools to help you organize, communicate with and manage your students. The Student List is the first page you’ll see when you sign in to your account. It can also be accessed by clicking your school's logo at the top center of your screen.

What’s On the List?

The Student List contains information on your students—things like the student names, phone numbers, and tuition information.

The Student List is organized as a table. Each horizontal row in the table shows an individual student’s information while each column in the table indicates a category of information. The header row at the top of the table shows the information found in each column (e.g., First Name, Last Name, Status, etc.). The table can be sorted in ascending or descending order by category using the arrows (↑↓) next to each category in the header row.


The following categories of information are available for each student in the list. By default, all categories are shown (you’ll learn how to hide columns later in this article). Note: If there is not any information for one of the categories for a student, that column will be blank in the student’s row.

  • Check Box - Allows staff user to select students for Bulk Actions
  • Photo - The student’s bio photo
  • ID - The student's ID number
  • First Name  The student’s first name. The student’s first name can be clicked to view their dashboard and access more information about them.
  • Middle Name - The student’s middle name. The student’s middle name can be clicked to view their dashboard and access more information about them.
  • Last Name - The student’s last name. The student’s last name can be clicked to view their dashboard and access more information about them.
  • Email - The student's email address
  • Status - The student's status
  • Gender - The student’s gender, male or female
  • Birth Date - The student’s date of birth
  • Phone Number - The student’s phone number
  • Cohort - The school period in which a student is enrolled
  • Tags - The tags that are attached to the student
  • Admission Step - Shows the step of the admissions process that an applicant is currently on
  • Admission Step Start - The date when the current Admission Step was started
  • Admission Started At - The date and time that the admissions application was started
  • Fee Amount - The total fee (tuition/cost) for the program an active student is enrolled in
  • Amount Received - Amount an active student has paid toward their tuition fee
  • Amount Outstanding - Amount of an active student’s tuition fee that still needs to be paid
  • Last Sign In - The date that a student last signed in to their account
  • Tuition Agreement - The name of the tuition agreement for the program the student is enrolled in.
  • Classes - The classes that the student is enrolled in
  • Street Address
  • Extended Street Address - Secondary Address Line
  • Locality - City
  • Region - State/Region/Province
  • Postal Code
  • Country
  • Custom Fields

Using the Filter

The Student List filter helps you find the information you’re looking for quickly and easily by narrowing down the amount of information shown in the Student List. Access the Filter Menu by clicking the green filter button at the top right of the page. The Filter Menu will slide in at the right side of your screen. There are several filter options in the menu:

  • School Periods - You can filter by one or more school periods. Click in the School Periods field and select the period you want to display from the dropdown menu. To add additional School Periods to your search, click in the School Period field again to add another period.
  • Search - Use this field to search for students by name, email or phone number.
  • Status - You can also filter by Student Status. Click in the Status field and select from the statuses in the dropdown. You can select one or more statuses.
  • Tags - Use this field to search for students with specific tags applied to them. You can select one or more tags to filter by.
  • Gender - Select to view either Male or Female students in your filtered results.
  • Application Started - Enter the date range that you would like to filter by with the beginning date in the first field and the ending date in the second field.
  • Show Columns - This field allows you to choose the columns you would like to include in your filtered results. Click in the Show Columns field and select the columns you would like in your results. Columns that are not selected will be hidden from your filtered results.

Once you have selected your desired filters, click the Search button at the top of the filter menu to apply the filters. If you want to reset the filters and revert back to default Student List view, open the filter and click the Reset button at the top of the filter menu.Saved Views

Saving views is a great way to customize the Student List to meet your specific needs. If you find yourself applying the same filters to the list frequently, you can save those filter settings as a Saved View.

Creating a Saved View
  1. Select Filters - Use the filter menu to select the filters you would like in your Saved View. Click Search to apply the filters.
  2. Create New Saved View - Click on the + button next to the Saved Views dropdown.
  3. Name Your Saved View - Type the name of your Saved View in the field.
  4. Save - Click the Add button so save.
Applying a Saved View
  1. Click the Saved Views Dropdown
  2. Select your Saved View - Choose your Saved View from the list in the dropdown or use the search field in the dropdown to search for your Saved View. When you click on your Saved View in the dropdown, it will be automatically applied to the list.
Remove Saved View Filters

If you would like to revert to the default Student List view:

  1. Open the Filter Menu - Click the green filter button at the top right of the page.
  2. Click Reset - Click on Reset at the top of the Filter Menu. The Student List will revert to the default view.
Delete a Saved View Permanently
  1. Click the + Icon -  Click the + icon next to the Saved Views dropdown.
  2. Click the Link - Click the Manage Your Saved Views link in the modal window.
  3. Delete Your Saved View - Find the saved view you would like to delete on the list of saved views and click the trash can icon in it’s row. Your saved view will be permanently deleted and no longer available in the Saved Views dropdown on the Student List.

Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions are used to perform actions for multiple students at the same time. Bulk Actions on the Student List include:

  • Email Student - Email multiple students at the same time
  • Add Tag - Add a tag to multiple students at the same time
  • Remove Tag - Remove a tag from multiple students at the same time
Email Student Bulk Action
  1. Select Students - Select the students on the list whom you would like to email.
  2. Select Action -  Choose Email Student from the Bulk Actions dropdown.
  3. Create Message - On the Bulk Actions page, enter the email subject and message.
  4. Confirm Recipients - The list of students whom you selected to be emailed is at the bottom of the page. Confirm that the recipients are correct.
  5. Save - Hit save to send your email to the selected students.
Add Tag Bulk Action
  1. Select Students - Select the students on the list to whom you would like to add a tag.
  2. Select Action -  Choose Add Tag from the Bulk Actions dropdown.
  3. Select Tags - On the Bulk Actions page, select the tag you would like to add to the selected students.
  4. Confirm Students - The list of students who will be tagged is at the bottom of the page. Confirm that the students selected are correct.
  5. Save - Hit save to add the tag to the selected students.
Remove Tag Bulk Action
  1. Select Students - Select students on the list from whom you would like to remove a tag.
  2. Select Action -  Choose Remove Tag from the Bulk Actions dropdown.
  3. Select Tags - On the Bulk Actions page, select the tag you would like to remove from the selected students.
  4. Confirm Students - The list of students for whom the tag will be removed is at the bottom of the page. Confirm that the students selected are correct.
  5. Save - Hit save to remove the tag from the selected students.
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