

Tags are custom labels that can be applied to StudentsAutomations, Notes, and Content Library Items, for organizational purposes. This article will explain how to create/delete, add/remove, and filter lists by tags.

Note: Tags for Automations and Content Library can be added, but the Automation List and Content Library Items cannot be filtered via tags at this time (feature coming soon).

Menu Location

STAFF  ☰   >   Advanced   >   General   >   Tags


  1. Edit Tags
  2. Create Tags
  3. Delete Tags (if unused)
  4. Tag Type (Student, Automation, Note, Content Library)
  5. Filter Lists by Tags
  6. Add/Remove Tags via Bulk Action

How-To Create a Tag

Navigate to the Tags Page
Select 'Create Tag'
Name your Tag
Select Tag Type
Add a Description (not required)


  • Any spaces between words in the Tag Name will be removed once saved. For example, 'This Tag' will be saved as 'ThisTag' once created. 
  • Existing Tags can be edited from the Tags Page by clicking the Pencil Icon in the 'Links' Column.
  • Tags can ONLY be deleted if they are not currently in use. If a tag is in use, it can be removed from several students at once using the Bulk Action feature (video below).

Tag Types

There are 4 types of Tags that can be created: Student TagsAutomation TagsNote Tags, and Content Library Tags. The Tag Type selected when creating a Tag will determine which information the Tag can be applied to. Tags may only belong to one category. 

Adding Tags

Student Tags: Added Directly to student account. Learn more here: Editing Student Information

Note Tags: Added when creating a note on a student profile. Learn more here: Adding a Note

Automation Tags: Added when creating an Automation. Learn more here: Automations

Content Library: Added when Editing or Creating a Folder - Staff Menu > Libraries > Content Library > New Folder or Edit (Feature Coming Soon)

Adding Student Tags via Bulk Action

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