Release 0.96.0

Release Date

  • December 23, 2022 (v0.96.0)


  1. Staff Updates
  2. Student Updates
  3. Bug Fixes
  4. Discontinued Features
Staff Updates

Apply for Multiple School Years Happening Simultaneously

Previously, students could only internally apply for future school years which had a start date  after their current school year's end date, based on the set school program progression. Now, staff users can edit school program progressions and select from multiple progression types to allow the next program to occur either fully or partially simultaneously with the previous school program. Any school years that are part of the secondary school program of this progression can then have open applications be available to active students in a school year that is part of the initial school program. 

This means that once a student has an active status (accepted or student) in an initial school year, they could then use the green apply banner on their account to internally apply for a secondary school year that happens at the same time as the initial school year. Learn more about the progression types and see examples of each option here


Student Updates


Bug Fixes

Multiple Display Rules Values Error

This addressed a bug that occurred when adding a second display rule for an admissions step. The dropdown value options of the first display rule automatically switched to match the dropdown value options of the newly created second display rule, even though the rules had different target fields selected. This has now been fixed.

Access Parent Account from Parent List (K-12)

This addressed a bug that occurred when staff users clicked on a parent name from the parent list when the family had not yet completed the admissions process.


Discontinued Features


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