Payment Refunds

Payment Refunds in Align can be created and applied to student accounts on the My Finances page on individual student accounts.  Payment Refunds are used when you need to return some money on a student account.  Payment Refunds should not be used for Credit Card Refunds as these have a separate process for returning money when that money was paid using a Credit Card.  Payment Refunds require the following:

  • An Amount
  • The Posted Date
  • A Transaction Category (optional)
  • Internal Description (optional)

You must have the correct Permissions to be able to add, edit, or void a Payment Refund

STUDENT ☰   Finances  >   My Finances   Finance Actions Refund Payment

Featured in Video

  1. Refunding a Payment
  2. Editing a Refunded Payment.
  3. Voiding a Refunded Payment.


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