Skipping Admissions Step


This article will explain the best way to move an Applicant through a step in their Admissions Process, essentially allowing them to skip the step. This task can be accomplished by creating a Tag to add to the Applicant's account, and creating a rule to the Admissions Step that you want them to skip.


Create a tag. (Eg: 'SkipStep', 'SkipAdmissionsStep')
Add the Tag to an Applicant on their Information Page
Go to the Admissions Step that you want to move the Applicant through, and click the Edit Icon
At the bottom of the page, Click 'Add Rule'
For Choose Target Field, select Student Tag*
For Operator, select Does Not Equal 
For Value, select the Tag you just created


*Note: Creating a rule for an admission step will determine whom it is visible tonot whom it is hidden from. Using this logic for Step 6, this step will display to all applicants who do not have ('Does Not Equal') the Tag we created. That way the step will be hidden from the Applicant that has the Tag.

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